This project was a part of a scholarship campaign I did as marketing coordinator. I was tasked to design a new ad flier to advertise the 2024 - 2025 scholarships. This flier housed 2 more scholarships than past years did, so I had to innovate a new design but also stay on brand with past scholarship flyers and use University authorized fonts and assets. After feedback and revisions this was casted on tv screens throughout the buildings on campus. The components and assets in this flier were designed in InDesign and Photoshop. 
Scholarship Campaign I created as marketing coordinator. The big post in the middle was made to be a regular Instagram post and the smaller cards on the sides were made to be posted on Instagram story. All of these were made in photoshop.  
I designed these three graphics as a side project. The focus of these projects was the car company Porsche and their motorsport (racing) branch. I created these graphics and the mockup in photoshop.  
Freelance work done for non-profit organization "KIDS FIRST INITIATIVE." I was tasked with creating different looks for the company's business cards using their branding guide. Client picked out what card they wanted then we went through the revision. These cards were made in photoshop, and the layout was created in illustrator. 
In my 2d class at my University I was tasked with redesigning two screens for a fitness app. I decided to make an extra screen for the "Get Start" screen. I did this because once a user opens an app and gets their first impression from the starting screen they should see a uniform design across the whole application. This keeps the user engaged. It just felt weird leaving the beginning screen out when it is supposed to set the stage for the rest of the app. I created these designs Figma for the layout and Photoshop for the design elements. 
I created this seamless carousel photo album to be posted on Instagram. I was tasked with creating a post to wrap up the past years events. I went through the photo galleries of past events. I picked through many photos even some taken by me. After choosing specific photos I then added them to a document to be arranged for the post. I organized and designed this post in photoshop. 
This is a freelance Press Kit design I created for a music. The client showed me an example of what he wanted along with additional elements. I then created the template and we went through the process of adding the specific information. The project template and background was created in photoshop. 
I was prompted to create a tv banner ad for an upcoming university event. This graphic was created in Photoshop. 
This was a series of post I designed as Marketing Coordinator of Brothers United. These post were made to come out periodically during Black History Month to highlight prominnat figures. The post were designed in Photoshop as well as the mockup for this entry. 
I created this project after being inspired by social media influencer. I designed this shirt mockup in photoshop. 

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