For summer 2024 I was the KentuckianaWorks Motion Design and Video Production Intern. This video is a collection of some of my favorite motion graphics I created for the organization. KentuckianaWorks is a government agency so these graphics along with other video content I worked will be shown to city government such as the mayor so I had two goals going into these projects. My goals were to strengthen brand appearance and provide visual engagement to viewers. 
This is an intro I created in inspiration of a local college. This project was a mostly experimental because I haven't done this type of thing in Blender before. I used Blender text modeling, camera key framing and scene manipulation to create the "Simmons College of Kentucky" title. I then took those 3d clips into Premier Pro and combined it with panning footage of the college and sound bits from their media.
The main things I wanted to showcase in the video was app design and web animations all of the rest was extra in addition to it. As stated in the video TikTok Live has not been given a navigation hub since its start in 2019. This can be troubling for users so as a side project I designed a concept on Figma of what I thought the TikTok live hub would like. Through this project I learned to make use of components and variables as well as motion design elements inside of Figma. I used Adobe After Effects to include the TikTok live footage. 
I began with this project by creating a web page graphic using Photoshop. I include a snapshot of the women holding the flag to transition into a video. All the footage included is stock footage from Pixels. All the video editing, visual and sound effects were done in Premiere Pro and After Effects.
This entry demonstrates my technique of color manipulation. I duplicated some stock footage and applied a layer mask that slid across the original clip to reveal the edited one. To achieve this I used the "Lumetri Color" settings. My goal in this was to change the look of the footage and still have them appear natural. These settings were applied in Premier Pro. 
In this project I set out to create a logo introduction animation after being inspired by an Addidas ad I saw on YouTube video. I then came to realize that the animation I saw was made with paid assets, so I figured out a way to replicate the animation utilizing what Adobe After Effects had to offer and here is what I came up with. 
This animation had many components that went into it but above all it helped me understand how to navigate multiple project files and stay organized within a project window. I created this animation in After Effects. 
I recorded a few short clips and imported them into premier pro. I arranged all the footage into a file in the order that they appear in the video. I wanted challenge myself by not using built in transitions but still making it look smooth. I did this by applying effects such as panning and zooming to make the transitions seamless. 
As the new marketing coordinator of Brothers United I realized our organization doesn't advertise what we do as much as other organizations. Scrolling down our instagram from the time before I joined there was not much advertisement of what goes on in our organization. By creating this video I wanted viewers outside our org to be able to see what goes on at our events as well as the organization. I filmed and photographed the event then imported it all into premier pro. I organized all the content to be displayed in the video as well as arrange the audio and files to correlate with the video. 
Using my phone, laptop, a lighter and a small candle I was able to create this fire finger effect. Doing this project helped me better my understanding of the "track motion" feature in after effects. I also perfected my masking and layering with this project. I was able to seamlessly hid a lighter behind a layer mask by using two recordings from my propped up phone. I then added green screen stock effects to add in on my hand. Lastly lit the candle with the lighter and created a mask around the candle to put on top of the original footage. 
This is a product advertisement I created as a side project. I first went into photoshop and created the graphic. I then placed the graphic on different stock 3d objects found in Adobe Dimension. Lastly, I took those snapshots of the objects and imported them into After Effects. The purpose of this project was for me to practice with key framing and timing using different effects.  
I downloaded a video pack from an editing challenge site. The challenge was to cut and arrange the video to set the scene and tell a series of events. I completed this challenge utilizing Premier Pro. 
I used a video from YouTube and cut and edit it. I wanted to apply some simple effects and transitions to the video as practice. In the top right-hand corner of the video, I indicated what was and wasn't done by me with a check and X mark. I did the editing in Premier Pro and After Affects

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